Hello Jobs: Cybersecurity Approach

Hello Jobs: Cybersecurity Approach

ved Carlo Di Giampaolo -
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Nell'ambito dei seminari aziendali previsti per Hello Jobs, mercoledì 15 dalle 16 alle 18 presso l'aula P4 Edificio F2 si tiene la presentazione di Spike Reply-

Brevi informazioni sull'azienda:

Spike Reply is the Reply company specialising in security and personal-data protection. Spike Reply has established a comprehensive, integrated, consistent offering to address all aspects of the risk associated with an information system. These efforts range from identifying threats and vulnerabilities to planning, designing and implementing the relevant technological, legal, organizational, insurance and risk-retention countermeasures. Spike Reply supplies vendor-independent security services through a wide network of partnerships. It can therefore provide in-depth expertise in the most widely used security technologies on the market and select the most suitable technology for any given case.

Settori di competenza: Network Security, Penetration Testing, Security Architecture, SCADA Security, Vulnerability Scans, Secure Development, Operational Security, Information Security & Risk Management, Governance Risk and Compliance, Identity and Access Management & Governance.

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